Therapy FAQs

Who can you work with?

As a licensed therapist in the state of California, I am legally allowed to provide therapy services to anyone who is residing within California. If you are outside California I can work with you through Quick Self Help.

How much does it cost? Do you accept insurance?

Therapy generally costs about $120-$180 per session depending on your location. I want to be able to work with people who want to get help.

I offer a sliding scale for therapy for those who cannot afford the full rate.

45-minute sessions are $120 USD

30-minute sessions are $70 USD


What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept Zelle bank transfers, Venmo, or credit cards, or debit cards.

Can my session be longer than my scheduled time? What if I’m late for my session?

Unfortunately, because I see clients back-to-back I typically will have to end sessions on time. If you are late to your session you cannot be given additional time. You will only have the time remaining in the session and we may not be able to do EMDR if there is not enough time.

To cancel your appointment please email me at before 24 hours of your appointment. If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment or if you do not attend your appointment you will be charged $50 that needs to be paid before you can be seen again.

I know emergencies come up and I mindful of this, but I cannot guarantee you will not be charged.

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR or Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy Is an evidence-based therapy that is recognized by the World Health Organization as a first-choice treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD. EMDR therapists must gain additional training to be able to provide this therapy. I use this therapy to help clients dealing with trauma, PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

EMDR can be utilized fully remotely through telehealth. I can explain how this would work if you are interested in this.

The abridged overview of EMDR is that your brain has the capacity to heal itself after a traumatic experience. We provide the space for this to happen. I will teach your grounding and coping skills to handle intense emotions before we process the memories. Your brain can literally change and heal to minimize the pain associated with the distressing event.

How is EMDR done online?

There are several ways EMDR can be done online. More information will be provided for you by your therapist.

Can I use EMDR if I don’t have PTSD?

Yes. EMDR is most commonly used for PTSD but can also be used to help relieve other symptoms and diagnoses.

Will I be diagnosed?

Diagnoses can be very helpful for people. It can validate their experiences and bring some relief. Alternatively, many insurances won’t pay for therapy if a client does not have a diagnosis that the insurance wants to pay for. It’s shitty, I know. Luckily, I don't use insurance. I would only diagnose you with a DSM-5 disorder if I conclude that it is the appropriate diagnosis for you after meeting you on several occasions. You can share your diagnoses with me as well. Having a diagnosis can help us formulate a treatment plan to reach the goals we want to work on. Bottom line: Yes, some people will receive a diagnosis, but I don’t communicate that to anyone but you. You can always ask about your diagnosis. I will be honest with you! 

I’ve tried therapy before and didn’t like it, what makes you different?

Therapy is a lot about the relationship you have with your therapist. If you don’t get along with them, or if you can feel them judging you or not listening to you it’s very frustrating and not helpful. Many clients I work with tell me they thought they were wrong for what they were talking about or feeling because of the way their past therapist behaved. I create a connection with you and want to hear your story. The therapist you meet is the real me. I am genuine and authentic with my clients. To read about the type of talk therapy I use check out the FAQ “What type of therapy modalities do you use?”

Can therapy be done in 30 minutes?

Many therapists do provide 30-minute sessions for talk therapy. This is not as common as 45-minute sessions but there are some benefits. It can fit in more easily to your busy schedule, it is less costly than longer sessions and you can still process what you want to talk about. PLEASE NOTE: EMDR THERAPY CANNOT BE DONE IN A 30-MINUTE TIME SLOT, ONLY 45-MINUTES AT THAT GAY THERAPIST.

What type of therapy modalities do you use?

I use a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT, person-centered, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy DBT, EMDR Therapy, Compassion-focused Therapy, and Solution-Focused as the main forms of modalities I use in therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT looks at how our thoughts, feelings, and actions are connected to build insight so we can change them to better our lives.

Person-centered means I treat you like the real person you are and I also show you my authentic and genuine self. I utilize empathy and meet you where you are at.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy DBT uses distress tolerance skills to manage difficult situations and mindfulness to accept reality and make healthy choices.

Compassion-Focused and Solution-Focused therapy look at speaking to yourself with compassion and looking for positives that you are doing well.

What should I expect from online therapy?

Online talk therapy has many similarities with in-person therapy, but also some differences. I use Google Meet to see clients and you will receive an email with the link for your session. You may also sign up for a courtesy email and text reminder 24 hours before your appointment.

If we are experiencing technical issues at the time of your session, I will attempt to contact you several times to see if we can resolve the issue. I may use email, phone, or Google Meet to contact you. If the problem persists I would cancel that appointment and reschedule you for another time.

When you have your session you should consider the location you are at. Therapy should be confidential, so others shouldn’t hear your conversation. Make sure your internet works well enough to receive live video, and you are using a device where I can see and hear you.